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Showing posts from June, 2023


This quarter has been quite a rollercoaster ride, filled with enjoyable moments, new discoveries, and invaluable knowledge. However, it's undeniable that it has also presented its fair share of challenges, including tests, projects, and various obstacles to overcome. Nevertheless, I am proud to say that I have successfully navigated through these challenges and emerged stronger. Overall, I am grateful for the experiences and lessons I have gained during this quarter.

me in decade

In the next decade, who I become remains uncertain and unpredictable. It's possible that I may change my mind along the way or stay committed to my current ambitions. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and as I continue to grow and evolve, my perspectives and goals may shift. However, there's also a chance that I'll stay true to my ambitions as I navigate through the uncertainties of life. The future holds endless possibilities, and whether I change my mind or stay on my chosen path, it's the journey itself that will shape the person I become in the coming years.

Change it

This phrase "change starts with me" means that if we want things to be different, we need to begin by making changes ourselves. It tells us that we cannot wait for others or for circumstances to change before taking action. Instead, we must take responsibility for our own actions and choices in order to bring about positive changes in our lives and in the world. It encourages us to think about our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, and to make positive changes within ourselves. By doing this, we can set a good example for others and inspire them to do the same. We have the power to influence others by showing them what is possible through our own actions. By starting with ourselves, we can create a ripple effect that can lead to bigger changes in our communities and society as a whole.